Thursday 6th March 2025
Thursday 6th March 2025
गृहपृष्ठOpinionRelevance of Prithivi Narayan Shah in Contemporary Nepal

Relevance of Prithivi Narayan Shah in Contemporary Nepal

KATHMANDU – Nepal’s intricate historical and geopolitical positioning has consistently presented a multifaceted scenario due to its location. Nested between two major civilizationsfrom ancient times, it hasremained a melting pot and a sanctuary for diverse ethnic communities with distinct cultures, traditions, beliefs, and customs. A review of the regional geopolitical history reveals that, unlike its neighboring countries, Tibet and India, which faced internal turmoil and foreign interventions.Although fragmented and isolated from regional politics, shielded by the two formidable barriers, the Himalayan rampart in the north and the thick forest of the southern Terai infested by malaria, Nepal has always remained a sovereign state.

At the time of Prithvi Narayan Shah, Nepal remained merely a political expression at the foothills of the Himalayan Ranges, consisting of numerous small and fragmented principalities ruled by various local kings and chieftains. Prithvi Narayan Shah’sreign marked a turning point for the nation as he initiated a campaign to unite the fragmented and disparate principalities in the region.

His achievements in expanding Gorkha’s territory eastward to the River Tista and successfully repelling two foreign invasions have left historians in awe. They explicitly mention that regardless of the analysis, Gorkha had neither the means nor the might to conduct such a military campaign (L.F. Stiller S.J. 1968).

Thus, they are mesmerized by how Gorkha completed such an impossible task. As noted in Kirkpatrick’s accounts, British missionaries who ventured into Nepal expressed astonishment at the King’s leadership qualities. Kirkpatrick suggested that considering the hill state’s economic constraints, geographical challenges, and political intricacies, it was nearly inexplicable how Gorkha managed to pose a substantial challenge to the full might of the East India Company (L.F. Stiller S.J. 1968). Therefore, historians have consistently pondered and attempted to examine the policies and strategies that enabled this tiny principality to achieve such monumental success.

An accurate analysis of Prithvi Narayan Shah illustrates that a unique blend of military prowess and political acumen characterizes his leadership qualities. His strategic approach extended beyond sheer brute military force, recognizing the importance of external threats in uniting the people.

By highlighting the growing influence of the British East India Company in the Indian subcontinent and the potential threat it posed to Nepal, he effectively galvanized the population to stand together against this looming danger. This not only demonstrated his foresight but also underscored his strategic brilliance.

Prithvi Narayan Shah was a king who recognized the importance of garnering public support for his campaigns. He was astute to understand that the previous battles lacked public support. He utilized warfare to harness Clausewitz’s trinity of state power, encompassing political leadership, military might, and the people’s will. Unlike previous campaigns led by other rulers, which were essentially the King’s wars, Prithivi Narayan Shah mobilized the people, armed them and involved them directly in his struggles (Rana 2021.).Involving the people in warfare was a powerful motivator;this united the citizens firmly behind their King to lead them. This collective energy, entrusted by the people to their king to direct them into war, can aptly be termed a “nation in arms.”

Distinct from the wars of his era, the great king led the masses and classes, essentially conducting a “People’s War” in the Himalayan region. He transformed the character of war from feudal skirmishes to a national effort (Rana 2021.) and occupied Nuwakot Gadi on September 26, 1744, marking the first victory of his long quest.

An analysis of Prithivi Narayan Shah’s military and political strategies unveils a versatile strategy that placed equal importance on territorial expansion and the economic growth of his nation. He recognized the vital role of economic prosperity and initiated a series of campaigns to secure trade routes and fortify his economy in preparation for further conquest. His endeavours commenced with the occupation of the trade route connecting Gorkha to Tibet, followed by an economic embargo around the Valley. His approach involved wearing down the enemy’s morale and including their surrender through a gradual attrition strategy, avoiding protracted and strenuous armed conflicts.

The fact that he took 24 years to conquer Kathmandu Valley after occupying Nuwakot proves that rather than applying sheer military might, he had recognized the importance of winning the hearts and minds of the enemy’s citizens before subjugating them. His DivyaUpadesh states that he had conquered the Valley’s principalities with the goodwill of the people from the east and the west. S.J. Stiller corroborates this by highlighting Bahadur Shah’s statement to Kirkpatrick, where he conveyed that his father’s design was accommodative to attract the people of various areas towards him even before subjugation.

Kirkpatrick responded, stating that Prithivi Narayan Shah had invaded Nepal at the earnest solicitation of the inhabitants, weary of the chaotic government, testifying to this approach(L.F. Stiller S.J 1995). Nepali history attests to the fact that Prithivi Narayan Shah’s strategy of winning the hearts and minds of the enemy’s citizens had contributed to long-lasting peace and prosperity in the region, establishing that his primary goal in warfare was peace, with victory serving as a means to that end. However, as the renowned military strategist Clausewitz mentioned, “When political aim and the military aim concede together, it will look more like a military quest rather than a political objective Michael Howard and Peter Paret 1984.”

Thus, a comprehensive analysis within this framework is necessary to give Prithvi Narayan Shah the recognition he deserves, highlighting his abilities and unwavering dedication to achieving these ambitious objectives.

Prithivi Narayan Shah’s pragmatic approach extended beyond military campaigns, demonstrating a ruler who understood that real power lay with the people and that their support was vital for legitimating the King’s authority. His quotes from DivyaUpadesh, “If the king is wise, he will keep the soldiers and the peasants on his side,” (L.F. Stiller S.J. 1968), underscore his belief in the people’s centrality in the monarchy system.

His visions were well ahead of his time. In a time when other monarchs often invoked divine rights, Prithivi Narayan Shah’s beliefs set him apart as a king who contended that the divine power, once vested in ancient kings by the Gods, now resided in the hands of the people(Rana 2021.). Thus, he unequivocally declared that the people were the nation’s true wealth. Therefore, he adopted progressive policies for the people and sought to eradicate social malpractices, enhance administrative and legal systems, and promote equality before the law. His dedication to justice and the welfare of his subjects solidifies his historical legacy as a visionary leader.

Prithivi Narayan Shah’s lasting legacy transcends the mere unification of Nepal; it resides in his profound commitment to nurturing a harmonious identity, one that encompasses the diverse ethnic, cultural, social and economic facets of the nation. Unlike certain European countries that sought to impose uniformity by suppressing linguistic and cultural diversity, Prithivi Narayan Shah embraced and safeguarded the customs and traditions of the region he annexed, establishing a common administrative language and cultivating a symbolic garden where individuals from all backgrounds could flourish. This exceptional bonding between the monarch and the people has given birth to our unique “Nepali culture” within the Himalyan realm, and this unity endured for more than two centuries.

In recent decades, Nepal has become a democratic country. Besides,Nepal’s territorial boundaries have remained relatively consistent since the unification era, with the Himalayas dominating the northern regions and the challenging terrain of Terai continuing to shape the country’s geography, infrastructure, and way of life. However, the shift to a multiparty democracy has ushered in new dynamics in Nepali politics. Prithvi Narayan Shah was astute in recognizing and successfully addressing his era’s geopolitical challenges.However, contemporary Nepal has not adequately analyzed or taken appropriate measures to navigate these geopolitical complexities and struggles to address the geopolitical challenges the nation has confronted since the time of unification.

Consequently, the country grapples with numerous geopolitical obstacles, particularly in managing its relationships with its neighbours, India and China, who have historically sought to influence Nepal.

Prithivi Narayan Shah was a king and a political leader who recognized that foreign affairs were an extension of internal affairs. He unified the populace, strengthened Nepal’s internal structure, and engaged in diplomacy with neighbouring states, aligning international policies with his vision for Nepal.

Contemporary leaders of Nepal have failed to grasp the importance of strengthening Nepal’s democratic governance structure to align it with 21st-century needs. Furthermore, they have been unsuccessful in gaining public support to foster national consensus in a unified manner so that the country could enhance its diplomatic relations with neighbouring countries and international organizations to safeguard sovereignty and stability.

Prithivi Narayan Shah recognized the importance of economic prosperity. To reduce reliance upon foreign countries and make Nepal a self-reliant, export-oriented nation, he aimed to revolutionize the agricultural and industrial systems of the country. Thus, he focused on equipping people with skills and improving trade routes to position Nepal as a vital corridor between its two immediate neighbours.

History shows that Nepal prospered when it controlled the transit route linking northern and southern civilizations. However, modern leaders of Nepal have failed to recognize the country’s long-standing comparative advantage and the benefitsof leveraging its unique geographic position. Furthermore, the local industries remain in dire condition today; imports far outweigh exports, indigenous goods are discouraged and disregarded, and the entire country survives through remittance, foreign assistance, and support.

Prithivi Narayan Shah excelled at preserving all the diverse groups’ cultural and historical identities while unifying the nation. He successfully assimilated these groups into a single Nepali culture, fostering unity and coexistence.Today, however, indigenous and local cultures are undervalued, and historical grievances, particularly among marginalized groups, remain unsolved. Therefore, there is a need to rekindle a sense of national identity and cultural values to bridge political divides, build trust, and foster unity in today’s Nepal.

Prithivi Narayan Shah considered corrupt individuals in the administration system the greatest enemy of the people and the nation. However, in contrast to his days, today, those responsible for eradicating corruption are promoting corruption in an unrestrained manner.Contemporary Nepali political leaders have put aside people’s and national interests in favour of personal and party interests.

Critical issues like cross-border trade, sovereignty, and territorial integrity have been wholly ignored.Domestic political instability, frequent changes in government, and economic challenges have left Nepal in a state of devastation, causing immense suffering for its people. The inability of our political leaders demonstrates that politics in Nepal serves the self-interest of the leaders.

Despite its rich history, many scholars argue that present-day Nepal is plagued by a dearth of capable leaders, with only a few exceptions. Many scholars have mentioned that most politicians lack the intelligence and moral character to lead the nation toward a prosperous future. Therefore, despite transitioning into a republican state, according to some scholars, apart from a rough model of democratic government, the present political parties of Nepal have nothing to deliver to the people.

Thus, analyzing the manner democracy is running in Nepal, in “Democracy, Security and National Interest,” Meena VaidhyaMalla explicitly states that, “It is far from the people; it is off the people; it buys the people instead of being for the people, of the people, and by the people.”

Even in such a situation, when the people and the country are suffering, the political leaders of Nepal have learned nothing. They have set aside national interests, and the three prominent political party leaders are acting like the three Rajas of the Kathmandu Valley and other political leaders as the Rajas of the Baisi and the Chaubisi Rajays, along with various other ethnic groups, all voicing for their independent status and a portion of Nepal for their share. These new Rajas are continuously combating in the political coliseum of Nepal (Rana 2023). Their alliances are regularly shifting, undergoing constant fragmentation, leading the country back to the pre-unification era when Nepal was fragmented into various principalities, and there was no stability coupled with an environment of misery and uncertainty.

The present situation in Nepal extends beyond mere political and democratic struggles; it reflects a profound existential crisis faced by the Nepali people and concerns about the nation’s future. In such uncertain times, given the prevailing political landscape in Nepal, where political parties appear primarily focused on preserving their power, it is increasingly evident that they may not be capable of effectively addressing the country’s current challenges. Thus, it is natural for the country to turn to their historical roots for guidance and stability.

History has a tendency to repeat itself, and while some may harbour doubts about whether Nepal’s historical legacy can rectify its contemporary shortcomings and meet the aspirations of its people today, there is a growing sentiment across the nation that revisiting the core principles and concepts from history, reimagined within a 21st-century context, represents the most viable path to alleviate the ongoing distress in Nepal. Consequently, to uplift the people’s lives, restore the nation’s lost honour, and provide the essential direction for the country’s future, there is a pressing call for the comeback of King Prithivi Narayan Shah the Great.

– Suman SJB Rana (Retired Major of the Nepali Army)

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