Monday 10th March 2025
Monday 10th March 2025
गृहपृष्ठInternationalSingapore’s IMDA Awards Huawei Int’l Data Protection Trustmark Certification

Singapore’s IMDA Awards Huawei Int’l Data Protection Trustmark Certification

SINGAPORE –  Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) awarded their Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) certification to Huawei InternationalPte.Ltd, Huawei’s subsidiary in Singapore.

The DPTMis given to businesses whohavedata protection regimes that are fully compliant with Singapore’sPersonal Data Protection Act. Todate, just over80 companies have been awarded this certification. Huawei has long boasted their commitment to customer privacy protection. Receiving DPTM certification means IMDA has recognized the soundness and accountability of Huawei’s data protection practices related to data collection, use, and disclosure.

Foo Fang Yong, CEO of Huawei International,explained why this certification is particularly important to the company, saying“Personal data protection is not simply a legal requirement, it is a social responsibility. This certification underscores our commitment to privacy protection.Our consumers, customers, suppliers, partners, employees, and other relevant stakeholderscan rest assured that their personal data is well protected.

We are vigilant and have always adhered to all privacy and personal data protection laws and regulations in every jurisdiction in which we operate. We have incorporated privacy protection requirements into all our day-to-day business processes.”

Over the past two decades, Huawei has collaborated closely with local telecom operators in Singapore to assist in developing world-class network infrastructure, supported Singapore’s digitalization journey, and introduced a series of smart devices to Singapore consumers.

As new technologies like cloud computing and big data mature and are further integrated into communications infrastructure, Huawei is ramping up its ability to providestable, reliable, secure, and sustainable cloud services to local businesses. By establishing regional Asia Pacific headquarters in Singapore for its enterprise and cloud business, the company also aims to help more local businesses go digital and global. In particular, to tackle climate change, Huawei is also leveraging digital power technologies and working closely with local partners to support Singapore’s Green Plan 2030.

In addition to receivingDPTM certification, Huawei has also partnered with the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) as one of its SG Cyber Safe Partnership Programme’sadvocate partners. Through this program, Huawei works with the CSA to help businesses and organizations in Singapore to bolstertheir cybersecurity protections and boost cybersecurity awareness.

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