Thursday 13th March 2025
Thursday 13th March 2025
गृहपृष्ठNepalKMC’s online revenue collection showing effectiveness

KMC’s online revenue collection showing effectiveness

KATHMANDU : The Kathmandu metropolitan city (KMC) has collected revenue amounting to Rs 55 million in less than a month since it moved to an online system.

The KMC had put the system in place on 17 September 2020. It was initiated in 10 wards at the beginning. KMC sources said that the system has proven to be effective.

KMC revenue department director Shivaraj Adhikari said that the KMC had been receiving complaints and allegations for not being transparent in raising revenue, but the adoption of the system has responded to the accusations, he said.  Through the system, it has been easier for the KMC to manage its staff and make revenue transactions transparent, as well as ease services.

There are two platforms, public and core, in the online system.The service recipients can use the public portal feature so that they can make a preliminary calculation of the taxes to be paid to the KMC from home. The system automatically generates the details of revenue to be paid after filling up the relevant form.

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