Monday 10th February 2025
Monday 10th February 2025
गृहपृष्ठTechChina,too,developing a vaccine for the coronavirus

China,too,developing a vaccine for the coronavirus

AGENCY – China has been developing a vaccine for the coronavirus. Two days earlier, Russia announced that it had developed its own vaccine against the virus.

The Chinese-made vaccine will not be available to the public immediately as China has prioritized its People’s Liberation Army to be the first ones to use the vaccines.

The Russian vaccine has not yet been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), as it was developed without any coordination between Russia and WHO. However, it has been claimed as a success in effectively treating the virus.

Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that the vaccine, which has been named Sputnik-5, had been successfully tested on his daughter who had tested positive for Covid-19.

The Russian vaccine was developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute, whereas the Chinese vaccine was developed by CanSino Biologics.

Adam Ni, Director of the China Policy Center at the Canberra-based research group, has stated that the military’s advanced medical research focuses on natural resources while selective disease and biological weapons are also being used for military applications. “It has accomplished a lot during this epidemic,” he said.

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